Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday's Talking Points

  • has been stirring up some controversy lately. This time, that whippersnapper Zuckerberg (friend of the blog) apparently made changes to the site's Terms of Service wording about two weeks ago, and didn't tell anybody. According to the Consumerist blog, these changes gave Facebook access to user data even after a user deletes his account. Or, in their words, "We can do anything we want with your content. Forever."
  • Facebook today retracted the new terms, and the story was written up on the front page of the New York Times website. If you're like me and a) had never heard of this "scandal," and b) remember when the NYT used to print stories about the Pentagon Papers and illegal wiretaps, then this was probably of note to you too.
  • Surprise! After securing over $10 billion in "loans" from Uncle Sam, the car industry (in this case, GM and Chrysler) are seeking $22 billion MORE. In loans, though, so it's cool.
  • Additionally, an Obama aide recently hinted that there may be a second stimulus package in the works. Hello, China, yes we have some more debt for you to buy. What's that? You don't want to buy anymore. No you're fiscally irresponsible (click)! Hello, Dubai? You're bankrupt!? Well I guess we're pretty much screwed then.

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