Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday's Talking Points

A day's worth of trivia, banter, opinion, and irrelevant potpourri, gathered meticulously from the realms of politics, entertainment, and our own lives. Guaranteed to make you more interesting at any upcoming social event or awkward gathering of pseudo-friends.

  • Rejection letters from the world's leading consulting firm include the phrase, "We have reviewed your background and are impressed by your accomplishments. However, we are unable to offer you the opportunity to interview with us at this time." Question: If your resume simply read, "I sit home and eat cheese doodles all day," would they still be impressed by your accomplishments? Worth checking out.
  • There are currently 240 detainees remaining in the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 100 of them are from Yemen. President Obama has given himself a one year deadline to decide their fate and close the prison.
  • Since 1978, vending machine accidents have killed at least 37 people, and injured another 113.
  • At this year's Super Bowl, right before kickoff scalpers were selling tickets outside of the stadium for less than face value, in a desperate attempt to unload their miserable investments. These are tough economic times.
  • Jessica Simpson... wha happened?
Pocket today's talking points and instantly become one of the coolest guys around the water cooler.

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