Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday's Talking Points

Hot off the presses and into your sweet little hands. Easy options for today's conversation: TV shows, movies, and a touch of abortion.

  • Relying on New York Magazine and Entertainment Weekly for TV news can make certain shows seem much more popular than they actually are. For example, last year, in its 14th season, ER drew more weekly viewers than 30 Rock.

  • When President Obama overturned the Mexico City policy (also called the Global Gag rule) on January 23, 2009, he was (intentionally) one day late. Both Clinton and Bush signed executive orders pertaining to the policy on January 22, which is the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. An insider said that this move was intended as an attempt to "set a new tone in Washington."

  • Jessica Biel is hosting this year's scientific and technical Oscars (you know, the geeky ones that aren't televised). For some reason, this show is usually hosted by attractive women. The last man to host was Richard Dreyfuss, in 1996.

  • The actors in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences who are currently on the Board of Governors are Annette Benning, Henry Winkler, and Ed Begley, Jr. Both Winkler and Begley had recurring roles on Arrested Development. This is probably a coincidence.

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