Monday, February 16, 2009

Tuesday's Talking Points

  • Later this month EMI will be releasing a 3 CD collection of recordings kept in a time capsule at the Paris Opera since 1907. One of the challenges of opening the time capsule was that the records had been wrapped in asbestos-covered cloths for protection.

  • After 429 episodes, The Simpsons has a new HD, Dolby Digital 5.1 title sequence.

  • A constitutional amendment in Venezuela passed Monday which would allow Hugo Chávez to run for another term. International observers called the election "free and fair", according to the BBC.

  • Soramimi is a Japanese word for song lyrics which produce a different meaning when interpreted as words in a different language. An example (from Wikipedia) is the phrase "nu ma nu a iei" from the song Dragostea din tei; in Japenese these words sound like a phrase meaning "Drink it! Drink it! Yeah!"

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