Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friday's Talking Points

  • Nate Silver, who gained fame with his predictions for baseball statistics, has released his expected results for the 2009 Oscars. Interesting notes: Mickey Rourke is a 71% favorite for Best Actor over Sean Penn, no one has any chance to win Best Actress besides Kate Winslet or Meryl Streep, and if Slumdog Millionaire doesn't win Best Picture, an investigation should be launched, because it is the 99% favorite going into this weekend. Does all of this pre-Oscar prognostication ruin the ceremony itself?
  • Charla Nash, the woman who was attacked by her best friend's chimpanzee, has been transferred to the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, for undisclosed reasons. According to the CNN report, Nash underwent seven hours of surgery after her best friend's chimp named Travis brutally attacked her.
  • Hey Yoga Fans! The Competitive Yoga Circuit (yes, this is a real thing) was held over the weekend of February 7. The sport, scored by judges, is split into divisions for men and women, and all competitors go through three mandatory poses for doing two freestyle poses where they can really "strut their stuff." Courtney Mace, a woman from New York, won the female title, while a man from Singapore won the men's. And you thought curling was strange.

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